A few days in Finistère

18 February 2021 to 28 February 2021
I was in Lorient to attend the World Sailing training (ex ISAF), in which I experimented to use various sea rescue setups (liferafts, TPS, lights...), being lift-off by helicopter and doing first aid in sea environment. It was a great training session!
I then moved north, starting by Porsac'h, Port Bali, Port Merrien...
A visit in Concarneau and Port-la-Forêt where many Figaro were actively preparing for the upcoming sailing season. The IMOCA Banque Populaire was also there amongst several others which took part of the last Vendée Globe that were already taken outside water for repairs.
A stop at Penmarc'h with its famous lighthouse, and then Saint Guénolé.
And La Pointe de la Torche, a famous surfing spot.
The landscape in Saint Guénolé was incredible. The sea felt very powerful, the coastline was wild.
Getting closer and closer to La Pointe du Raz, with Audierne, where I took the shuttle for Ile de Sein.
It took around an hour to reach Ile de Sein, crossing the unfamous Raz de Sein in between, where strong currents and a big swell can cause a bumpy ride.. Luckily, everything was fine that day!
Ile de Sein is a very flat and small island, only ~800m wide and 2.5km long.
The lighthouse La Vieille was solidly standing there.
Finally, walks around the Baie des Trépassés up to la Pointe du Raz where the sunset was gorgeous.
In normal times these few days would have been great, but in these special moments between two lockdowns and curfews it was awesome and a much necessary break.